For young learners embarking on a study abroad in England adventure, England presents a tapestry of learning opportunities, adventures, and memories waiting to be made.

But before you pack your bags and set off to explore the cobblestone streets, there’s a world of preparation to navigate. From understanding the nuances of British culture and customs to ensuring your safety in a new environment, from managing your budget to making the most of England’s diverse transportation network, and not to forget, preparing for the unpredictable English summer weather—there’s much to consider to make your educational journey both enriching and enjoyable.

Whether you’re a curious junior ready to dive into the depths of the English language or a supportive parent seeking to ensure a seamless and safe experience for your child, this guide is your compass. We’ll walk you through the top 10 essential insights every young learner and their guardian should know before your study abroad in England experience. So, let’s embark on this exciting adventure together, equipped with knowledge, enthusiasm, and an open heart, ready to embrace all that England has to offer.

Understanding England: Culture and Customs

A study abroad in England trip is not just about learning English; it’s about immersing yourself in a culture rich in history, traditions, and social norms that may be quite different from your own. Understanding and respecting these cultural nuances can greatly enhance your study abroad experience, making it not only more enjoyable but also more enriching.

Embracing British Culture

At the heart of British culture lies a deep respect for tradition, politeness, and the famous British sense of humour. While you may be familiar with the United Kingdom’s global influence through music, literature, and cinema, experiencing these cultural treasures firsthand offers a whole new perspective.

  • Politeness and Queueing: The British place a high value on politeness and manners. A simple “please,” “thank you,” and “sorry” goes a long way in everyday interactions. Furthermore, queueing (standing in line) is taken very seriously, and skipping the queue is considered very rude.
  • Tea Time: Tea is more than just a beverage in England; it’s a cultural institution. Afternoon tea, typically around 4 pm, is a perfect time to enjoy this tradition. Don’t be surprised if your host offers a cup of tea—it’s a sign of hospitality.
  • The Pub Culture: Pubs are central to English social life, serving as communal meeting spots. While you’re too young to enjoy the alcoholic offerings, many pubs serve food and non-alcoholic beverages, making them a unique experience of English culture.
cup of tea in british culture

It might sound cliche, but a cup of tea is really a part of British culture!

Language and Communication

English may be the language of instruction, but the British version contains nuances and phrases unique to the UK. Familiarising yourself with these can help you better understand and communicate during your study abroad in England trip.

  • British Slang and Phrases: Phrases like “cheers” (thanks), “bloke” (man), and “quid” (pounds, the British currency) are commonly used in everyday conversation. Embracing these terms can help you blend in and understand local conversations.
  • Understatement and Humour: The British are known for their understated way of expressing themselves and their dry sense of humour. What might seem like a mild comment can often be a joke or sarcastic remark, so listen carefully and enjoy the wit!

We have a blog post on popular English slang to help you communicate like a local on your study abroad in England trip!

The word 'yolo' on a green hashtag infront of a wooden background english slang

Learning English slang can help you improve your fluency!

By diving into the rich tapestry of British culture and customs, you’re not just preparing to study English in England; you’re opening the door to a comprehensive cultural experience. Embrace this opportunity with an open mind and heart, and you’ll find yourself not just learning a language, but also gaining insights into a culture that has shaped the world.

Safety First: Staying Secure in England

As you embark on your study abroad in England trip, ensuring your safety and security is paramount. England is generally a safe country, but like any destination, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and understand local safety advice. Here are key tips to help you feel secure and confident as you explore and study.

Navigating Public Spaces

England’s bustling cities, serene countryside, and quaint towns offer a plethora of experiences. Staying safe in these public spaces is about common sense and being aware.

  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with local news and any travel advisories. Understanding the areas you plan to visit can help you avoid any potential safety risks.
  • Travel in Groups: Especially in the evenings, it’s wise to travel with friends or classmates. There’s safety in numbers, and it’s also more fun to explore together.
  • Keep Valuables Secure: When out and about, ensure your belongings, especially your wallet and mobile phone, are secure and not easily accessible to pickpockets.

The central areas of London are relatively safe, although it is a hotspot for pickpockets.

Healthcare Know-How

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) provides healthcare services, some of which are accessible to visitors. Knowing how to access these services can give you peace of mind.

  • Health Insurance: Ensure you have appropriate health insurance that covers your stay in England. This will simplify accessing healthcare services should you need them.
  • NHS and Emergencies: For emergencies, dial 999 for free from any phone to access emergency services. For less urgent health concerns, NHS 111 can provide advice and direct you to the appropriate service.
  • Local Pharmacies: For minor ailments or health advice, local pharmacies are an excellent resource. Pharmacists can offer treatment advice and recommend over-the-counter medications.

person getting the checkup for their health

Personal Well-being

Looking after your personal well-being is crucial for a fulfilling study abroad in England experience.

  • Stay Connected: Keep your mobile phone charged and with you, especially when travelling alone. Apps can help you navigate public transport, translate, and more.
  • Mental Health: Adapting to a new culture and education system can be challenging. Most educational institutions offer support services for international students. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.

Ensuring your safety in England is about being informed, prepared, and proactive. By following these tips, you can focus on your studies and enjoy all the wonderful experiences England has to offer, knowing you’ve taken steps to take care of yourself in a new environment.

student support surfaces for study english abroad program

Budgeting Your Study Abroad in England Trip

Embarking on a study abroad in England trip is an adventure of a lifetime, but it also requires careful financial planning. England is known for its quality education but also comes with its set of expenses. From tuition fees to a cup of tea, understanding and managing your budget is crucial for a stress-free experience. Here’s how to navigate your finances effectively while soaking in the English culture and education.

Cost of Living

England’s cost of living can vary significantly depending on where you choose to study and live. Cities like London are known for their higher living costs, whereas towns and cities outside the capital may offer a more budget-friendly experience.

  • Accommodation: This will likely be your biggest expense. Exploring options like homestays, student dormitories, or shared flats can offer both a cost-effective and immersive cultural experience.
  • Daily Expenses: Consider your daily costs such as food, travel, and leisure activities. Supermarkets offer a range of budget-friendly options for self-catering, and student discounts are often available for travel and entertainment.

That’s why, at EducationFF, we integrate accommodation, food, and program-related travel expenses into our English programs. To save you the stress of budgeting, allowing you to enjoy your holiday without the need to worry!

hand putting a coin in a jar for study abroad budget

Make sure you save some extra money to account for any surprises on your trip!

Saving Tips for Students

Maximising your budget doesn’t mean missing out on what England has to offer. Here are some tips to help your pounds stretch further.

  • Budgeting Apps: Utilising budgeting apps can help you keep track of your expenses and savings goals. It’s a handy way to visualise where your money is going and adjust your spending habits accordingly.
  • Cooking Meals: While it’s tempting to indulge in England’s diverse food scene, cooking meals at home can save you a considerable amount. It’s also an excellent opportunity to experiment with cooking traditional British dishes.

Getting Around: Transportation in England

Navigating the transportation system is a vital part of your study abroad in England experience. The country boasts an extensive and efficient public transportation network, making it easy for students to explore both the bustling cities and the serene countryside. Here’s what you need to know to travel like a local.

Public Transport Overview

England’s public transportation includes buses, trains, trams, and the London Underground (also known as the Tube). Each mode of transport offers a unique way to see the country and get to your destination efficiently.

  • Buses and Coaches: Often the most economical way to travel, buses serve urban areas extensively, while coaches are ideal for longer distances between cities.
  • Trains: The rail network connects major towns and cities across England and is a fast option for longer journeys. Train travel can be pricey, but booking in advance on apps such as Trainline can secure you some great deals.
  • The London Underground: An iconic symbol of London, the Tube is the quickest way to navigate the capital. It’s also an experience in itself, with each line holding its own piece of history.
the tube in london public transport on a study holiday

The Tube is the easiest and quickest way to get around London.

Travel Cards and Discounts

Making use of travel cards and student discounts can significantly reduce your transportation costs.

  • Oyster Cards: If you’re in London, an Oyster card is a cost-effective way to pay for travel on the Tube, buses, and other transport services. It caps daily spending and is cheaper than buying single tickets.
  • Railcards: For train travel, various railcards offer up to 1/3 off rail fares across the country. The 16-25 Railcard or the Student Railcard (for those studying full-time) are perfect for students.
  • Bicycle Hire: For short distances, consider cycling. Many cities offer bike hire schemes at an affordable rate, which is not only budget-friendly but also a great way to stay active and explore at your own pace.
bicycle for cheap and eco friendly public transport

A bike is also more eco-friendly, it’s a win-win!

Tips for Navigating Public Transport

  • Plan Your Journey: Use apps and online journey planners to check timetables, routes, and ticket prices. Planning ahead can save you time and money.
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on any travel disruptions or changes to services, especially during public holidays or events.
  • Safety First: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when travelling late at night. Stick to well-lit areas and be mindful of your belongings.

Navigating the transportation system in England is an essential skill that will enhance your study abroad in England experience. By utilising travel cards, taking advantage of student discounts, and embracing the country’s extensive public transport options, you’ll be able to explore England with ease and confidence.

At EducationFF, we integrate accommodation, food, and program-related travel expenses into our English programs. To save you the stress of budgeting, allowing you to enjoy your holiday without the need to worry!

Weather in Summer: What to Expect

Experiencing an English summer can be one of the many highlights of your study trip. With the weather varying from warm sunshine to sudden showers, preparing for the English summer is akin to packing a little bit of everything. Understanding what to expect weather-wise will ensure you enjoy every moment of your educational journey, come rain or shine.

Preparing for English Weather

The English summer, typically from June to August, is pleasantly warm but not overly hot, with average temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). However, it’s the unpredictability of the English weather that truly defines it. Here’s how you can prepare:

  • Layer Up: The key to navigating the English summer is layers. Mornings might be cool, afternoons warm, and evenings chilly. Carrying a lightweight, waterproof jacket will also shield you from those unexpected rain showers.
  • Sun Protection: When the sun does grace you with its presence, it can be stronger than anticipated. A hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essential to protect yourself on those brighter days.
  • Umbrellas and Waterproofs: An umbrella should become your constant companion. Opt for a compact, durable one that can easily fit in your bag. Waterproof shoes or a sturdy pair of trainers are also wise choices, ensuring comfort during those wetter days.
english summer in the england countryside

English weather can be beautiful, and unpredictable!

Embracing the Great Outdoors

The summer months are the perfect time to explore England’s abundant natural beauty and historical sites. Whether it’s wandering through the countryside, visiting ancient castles, or enjoying outdoor festivals, the weather adds to the charm of these experiences.

  • Outdoor Activities: Take advantage of the milder weather to participate in outdoor activities. From hiking in the Lake District to picnics in Hyde Park, there’s no shortage of ways to enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Cultural Events: Summer in England is synonymous with a host of cultural events and festivals. Be it music festivals, open-air theatre, or sporting events, there’s always something happening to make your summer unforgettable.
the lake district in cumbria england

The lake district is a beautiful stop for any trip to England.

Practical Tips

  • Stay Hydrated: During warmer days, staying hydrated is crucial. Carry a reusable water bottle with you as you explore.
  • Check the Forecast: The British weather is known for its ability to change rapidly. A quick check of the daily forecast can help you plan your attire and activities accordingly.

We have an in-depth guide on how to pack for your study abroad trip that goes into this in more detail. Be sure to check it out to help you prepare!

The English summer offers a unique blend of mild warmth, refreshing rains, and the occasional surprise sunshine. By preparing for its variability, you ensure that the weather adds to the richness of your study abroad experience, allowing you to explore, learn, and grow in the beautiful backdrop of England.

Packing Essentials for Your Study Abroad in England Trip

As you prepare for your study abroad in England trip, packing effectively is key to ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free experience. England’s diverse weather, combined with the range of activities you’ll embark on, calls for a smart packing strategy. Here are the essentials to include in your luggage for a summer study trip to England.

Must-Have Items

Packing for an English summer means preparing for all possibilities – sunny days, rainy afternoons, and cooler evenings. Here’s a checklist to cover the basics:

  • Clothing: Pack a variety of layers. Include t-shirts, long-sleeved shirts, lightweight sweaters, and a waterproof jacket. Remember, the key is versatility. Trousers, jeans, and a few formal outfits for special occasions should also make the list.
  • Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes are a must for exploring cities and countryside. Waterproof options are ideal. Don’t forget a pair of formal shoes for events and a casual pair for everyday wear.
  • Adaptors and Chargers: The UK uses Type G plugs, so ensure you have the right adaptors for your electronic devices. Portable chargers can also be lifesavers during long days out.
  • Personal Documents: Keep your passport, visa documentation, acceptance letters from your educational institution, and any medical prescriptions in a safe and accessible place.
  • Toiletries and Medications: While you can purchase most toiletries in England, having a supply of your preferred brands and any specific medications is wise. Remember to also pack a small first aid kit.
person packing a suitcase for a study trip abroad

We have a great post on essential items for a summer study abroad holiday.

What to Leave Behind

To avoid overpacking, be mindful of items that are easily available in England or that you’re unlikely to use.

  • Heavy Books: Save space and weight by opting for digital versions or purchasing books upon arrival.
  • Excessive Electronics: Limit yourself to essential gadgets. Remember, you’re there to study and explore!
  • Large Amounts of Cash: With widespread acceptance of cards and digital payments, there’s no need to carry large sums of cash. It’s safer and more convenient to use cards and withdraw money as needed.

Practical Packing Tips

  • Roll, Don’t Fold: Rolling your clothes can save space and reduce wrinkles.
  • Use Packing Cubes: These can help organise your suitcase and make unpacking easier.
  • Check Baggage Allowances: Make sure your luggage meets airline size and weight restrictions to avoid extra fees.

We have an in-depth guide on how to pack for your study abroad trip that goes into this in more detail. Be sure to check it out to help you prepare!

Packing for your study abroad in England is about striking a balance between being prepared and having the flexibility to adapt. With these essentials in your luggage, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your summer learning experience, rain or shine.

Making the Most of Your Experience

Studying English in England is a unique opportunity that extends far beyond the classroom. It’s about immersing yourself in a new culture, meeting people from around the world, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Here are some tips to help you maximise your study abroad experience and ensure it’s as enriching and fulfilling as possible.

Engaging with the Local Community and Students

One of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad is the chance to engage with diverse groups of people. Not only does this provide a richer understanding of the local culture, but it also helps in developing your language skills in real-world settings.

  • Participate in Local Events: Keep an eye out for community events, festivals, and workshops. These are great opportunities to learn more about British culture and meet locals.
  • Join Clubs and Societies: Most educational institutions offer a variety of clubs and societies that cater to different interests. Joining one can help you connect with fellow students and find friends with similar interests.

EducationFF provides evening activities and day trips in all of our English programs, giving you plenty of opportunities to make friends and have fun on your study abroad in England trip!

friends together after their study abroad trip

Your study abroad experience never ends!

Exploring England

England is a country steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the rolling hills of the countryside to the historic streets of its cities, there’s so much to explore.

  • Take Day Trips: Use your weekends and holidays to take day trips to nearby towns, beaches, and historical sites. Public transport makes it easy to explore different parts of the country.
  • Visit Museums and Galleries: Many of England’s museums and galleries are free to enter. They offer a fantastic way to learn about the country’s history, art, and culture.
the british museum in london

The British Museum in London!

Balancing Studies and Leisure

While exploring and engaging with new experiences is a key part of studying abroad, maintaining a balance with your academic commitments is crucial.

  • Organise Your Time: Keep a planner or use an app to manage your study schedule alongside your social activities. This will help you make the most of your time without compromising your academic goals.
  • Seek Support When Needed: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your institution’s support services if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can offer advice on managing your workload and stress.

person planning their day on their study abroad holiday

Documenting Your Journey

Lastly, keeping a journal or blog about your study abroad experience is a wonderful way to document your journey. Not only is it a way to reflect on your personal growth, but it also serves as a keepsake of your adventures in England.

  • Take Photos and Videos: Capture the moments that mean the most to you, from everyday occurrences to special outings.
  • Write About Your Experiences: Regularly jotting down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help you process your time abroad and share it with others.
person taking photos of their study trip for instagram

Don’t forget to take photos and videos to document your experience!

Making the most of your study abroad experience in England is about embracing every opportunity with an open mind and heart. By engaging with the community, exploring the country, balancing your academic and social life, and documenting your journey, you’ll ensure a rich, transformative experience that will shape your future in countless ways.

Amazing Study Abroad in England Programs

Are you looking for a study English abroad trip provider that goes beyond language learning? At Education FF, we believe in cultivating core values that shape young individuals into global citizens.

Our centers in the United Kingdom, Malta, and Italy focus not just on language skills, but also on building integrity, trust, honesty, and respect in our students. We want to empower them to become well-rounded individuals who can make a positive impact on the world around them.

In transmitting these values, we think primarily of young people, pushing them towards continuous improvement that leads them to build healthy self-esteem. We have a decades-long track record of providing world-class study abroad in England programs with a very high student and parent satisfaction rate.

If you’re an agent looking for a reliable and competent partner with a top product, or you’re a teacher looking for a summer travel program for your students, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to tell you more.

happy girl with yellow t shirt on her study abroad experience