It’s important to improve written English skills as, in our online world, there is a heavy focus on writing in the way we communicate.

Think about it – Instagram, texting, Snapchat, emails – written English plays a huge part in everything. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a student, professional, or just looking to improve your written communication skills, having a strong grasp of written English is essential.

In this blog post, we’ll explore all the tips and techniques you need to improve written English skills. From understanding the basics of written English and enhancing your vocabulary and utilizing tools for improvement, we’ve got you covered.

So, whether you’re looking to write more effectively at work or simply want to improve your writing skills, read on for practical guides and expert advice on becoming a better writer.

Improve your english skills and improve your writing

Tips to Improve Written English Skills

Understand Grammar and Punctuation to Improve Written English Skills

Effective written English hinges on a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation, and requires understanding paragraph structure and word choice.

Correct English grammar and punctuation are some of the most important aspects when you’re looking to improve written English skills, as incorrect grammar and punctuation can change the whole meaning of your sentence.

Incorrect Grammar and Punctuation can Change the Meaning of your Sentences

This is a lesson commonly taught to English children when they are first learning about grammar and punctuation in school. Pay close attention to the way punctuation is used in the following sentences, and notice how the placement can completely change the meaning.

You are at a zoo, and you come across a Panda exhibit. On the information card about the Panda, you read the following…

“He eats, shoots and leaves.”

You watch in horror as the Panda, upon finishing his lunch, picks up a bow and arrow he found on the floor, aims, and shoots it straight into the crowd. Luckily, no one was hurt. You then watch as he gets up from his spot and walks away.

The poor Panda has been misled by poor punctuation use. That one tiny punctuation mistake completely changed the meaning of the sentence when discussing the Panda’s eating habits.

What do you think the correct structure of that sentence should be? Before reading further, try to fix it yourself.

Correct answer: “He eats shoots and leaves.”

How to Improve Grammar and Punctuation

You’ve probably heard this a lot, but reading is truly your best friend to improve written English skills. Whenever you’re reading a book, pay close attention to the way the author is structuring their sentence, and where they are placing commas, full stops, and semicolons, for example. How do they structure longer sentences?

Even by reading this blog, you can pay close attention to where punctuation is placed and how grammar is used or changed depending on the context. There are also some amazing online resources and apps for you to use that will help you with your grammar and punctuation specifically.

learn and understand Punctuation and grammar to improve your english

Enhance Your English Vocabulary to Improve Written English Skills

Expanding vocabulary through extensive reading is an incredible tool for enhancing English skills. Experimenting with different writing styles and genres contributes to vocabulary enrichment.

The Role of Reading in Improving Writing

Reading diverse genres is a great way to improve written English skills. It enriches vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation, fostering better writing. Exposure to different writing styles helps in improving written English skills. Incorporating reading into your routine can significantly enhance your writing abilities.

There are no specific genres to read. Whether you choose sci-fi, romance, or non-fiction, all books written in English will expose you to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and beautiful phrases. So, pick a genre that interests you and make learning the language fun!

reading can improve your written english skills

Say ‘Goodbye’ to Unnecessary Words

Elevate the quality of your writing by eliminating unnecessary words from your vocabulary.

The culprits to banish include words such as “very,” “really,” “quite,” “good,” “got,” “stuff,” and “things.”

You might be curious about how the simple act of removing these words can significantly enhance your writing. The truth is, these words lack strength in communication, and by excluding them, your text will retain its meaning while reading more compellingly.

To remove these words from your writing, the solution is straightforward. Swap out the combination of “very/really + adjective” with an “extreme adjective” for added impact and better writing.

For instance, transform “very cold” into “freezing”, replace “he was very tired” with “he was exhausted,” and upgrade “really bad” to “terrible”. You can even use the same for the negative, such as “she was not very happy” to “she was sad”.

The possibilities are almost endless, offering numerous alternative adjectives to improve written English skills. By incorporating these strategies, you can improve written English skills to another level!

remove these words from your english to improve your writing

Find Replacement Words in a Thesaurus, Dictionary, or on Google

When you’re in the process of removing unnecessary words from your writing, use a thesaurus to exchange commonly used or uninteresting words for more powerful or intriguing ones to improve written English skills. It’s easier to use an online thesaurus than purchasing a physical copy, many free tools can be found with a simple Google or internet search. is an excellent free tool to aid your writing. It will help you find synonyms for the words you’re using, which will not only broaden your vocabulary but it will also ensure you’re not using the same word over and over again. For example, “hot” can become “scorching”, “happy” becomes “delighted”, “funny” becomes “hilarious”, and so on.

Find and Use Collocations to Improve Written English Skills

A collocation is when certain words just go together naturally in a language, even if it might not make sense if you look at the words separately. People who speak the language often use these pairings without thinking about it.

This form of English grammar is hard to get your head around as a non-native speaker, even some of the best writers can struggle with these. So, here are our tips for finding and using them.

Collocations will improve your English language skills

What are Collocations?

Collocations can be made up of any kind of word in the English language, such as verbs, nouns, and adjectives. It’s essentially a group of two or more words that are almost always put next to each other to give a specific meaning. Even though a word pairing may be grammatically correct, sometimes the pairing sounds unnatural or strange in English because it’s not the usual pairing.

This kind of grammar isn’t something intuitively known from the context of the word, and even native speakers have to learn and remember them. It’s simply a case of noticing them, writing them down, and then remembering the pairings.

How to Find Collocations

Collocations are everywhere! It’s a matter of becoming aware of them, writing them down, and remembering them. You can find them in books, on TV, in music, so pick something you love doing and pay close attention to words that seem to be paired together, and what their meaning might be.

If you find a collocation, or what you believe is one, Google it. More often than not, something will come up and it will help you understand the meaning. For example, you come across the collocation ‘heavy rain’, with a simple internet search you can find the meaning and whether or not it is a collocation.

Find and improve your english language skills on google and the internet

How to Use Collocations

Using collocations is an important aspect of improving your written English skills. Once you have identified and collected a list of collocations, it’s crucial to know how to use them effectively in your writing.

Firstly, be mindful of the word order when using collocations. Certain words have a fixed order when combined with others. For example, instead of saying “say a speech,” it sounds more natural to say “give a speech.” Similarly, instead of “strong rain,” it is more appropriate to say “heavy rain.”

Additionally, pay attention to collocations that are commonly used by native English speakers. For example, instead of saying “mild rain,” using the collocation “light rain” would make your writing sound more native-like. By incorporating these phrases into your writing, you can add fluency and authenticity to your work.

Secondly, consider the context in which the collocation is used. Different contexts may require different collocations. For instance, while “high building” may be suitable in some contexts, it is often more appropriate to use “tall building”. Understanding the nuances of these collocations will help you convey your thoughts accurately and naturally in written English.

Use Active Voice over Passive Voice to Improve Written English Skills

Using an active voice instead of passive can make your writing more interesting, and easier to understand, improving not just your written English skills, but also your speaking skills.

How to use Active Voice

In active voice, the subject of the sentence (usually a person) is the main focus and they are performing an action. An example would be “I read books”. The passive version of that would be, “Books are read by me”. The passive voice puts the spotlight on the action itself, with the verb or noun (book) acting upon the subject (me).

While there are various distinctions between the active and passive voices, the key point is that the active voice is direct, whereas the passive voice is more understated and detached.

use active voice over passive voice to improve your english

How to Choose Which Voice to Use

Both passive and active are correct in English, so it depends on the context of your writing which voice you choose to write in. If it is something more formal, such as writing a news report, it is more appropriate for your writing to be detached from the subject (the main focus) by using passive voice. If you are writing a story, an email, or a text, for example, it’s appropriate to use active voice.

News report example (passive and detached): “Chris will be remembered for his philanthropic work”.

Text example (active and personal): “I will remember Chris because of his philanthropic work”.

Choose Sentence and Paragraph Length Wisely to Improve Written English Skills

Sentence and paragraph length plays a crucial role in improving your written English skills. To ensure clarity and coherence, it is essential to choose the appropriate length for your sentences and paragraphs.

Short sentences can be impactful when you want to emphasize a particular point or create a sense of urgency. They help convey information concisely and make it easier for readers to follow your thoughts. You can say all you need to say with a few words, for example, Ernest Hemingway’s famous short story, which reads “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn”, used only 6 words but had a great impact.

On the other hand, longer sentences allow you to provide more detailed explanations or describe complex ideas. However, be cautious not to overuse them as they can become convoluted or difficult to follow. Break down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable chunks to ensure clarity.

Similarly, paragraph length also contributes to the readability of your writing. Short paragraphs can create a sense of rhythm and pace, making it easier for readers to navigate through your content. They provide visual breaks and help organize your thoughts effectively.

On the other hand, longer paragraphs can be used to delve deeper into a topic or present a series of interconnected ideas. However, be mindful not to overwhelm your readers with lengthy paragraphs that might cause them to lose interest.

paragraph length and using short sentences can make your english better

Ask for Feedback

Asking for feedback is a valuable step to improve written English skills. Getting feedback from others can provide you with valuable insights and help you identify areas where you can improve. Here are a few ways to seek feedback:

1. Join an English language learning Group: Joining a language learning group or workshop allows you to share your piece of writing with fellow learners who can provide constructive criticism. They can also give you writing tips and their feedback can help you refine your writing style, grammar, and vocabulary.

2. Seek Input from Native English Speakers: If English is not your first language, reaching out to native English speakers for feedback can be beneficial. They can offer insights into idiomatic expressions, cultural nuances, and help you identify any language errors that may have gone unnoticed.

It can be scary sharing your written work for the first time, but remember that constructive feedback is essential for growth. Embrace it with an open mind and be willing to make changes and revisions based on the suggestions you receive. Practice incorporating feedback into your writing process, and over time, you will notice significant improvements in your written English grammar skills.

Remember, practice makes perfect.

use feedback to make your english better

Can Writing Every Day Improve Your Skills?

Consistent daily writing practice is the most effective way to enhance your written English skills. Engaging in regular writing can polish your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. By dedicating time every day to writing, you can significantly improve your communication skills and become a more proficient writer over time.

work with friends to improve written english skills

To improve written English skills, your journey requires effort and practice. By understanding the basics of grammar, punctuation, and common writing mistakes to avoid, you can lay a strong foundation for your writing.

Enhancing your vocabulary through reading and using effective strategies will help you express yourself more precisely. Practical guides and tools like online grammar tools and writing enhancement software can provide practical assistance.

And finally, writing every day can significantly improve your skills over time. So, embrace the journey while you improve written English skills and enjoy the progress you make along the way.