Are you ready to transform your English skills and explore one of England’s most historic cities? Imagine spending your days in the picturesque city of Bath, where every street and alley is filled with British history. That’s exactly what you can expect from our Study English trip in Bath experience!

At EducationFF, we offer more than just an English language course; we provide a gateway to adventure and learning for teens aged 12-17. Join us as we dive into what makes our Bath study abroad program a life-changing experience for young learners like you.

Why Choose an English Trip in Bath?

Whether you’re looking to boost your language skills, meet new friends from around the world, or explore England’s rich history, our program is designed to inspire and challenge you in every way.

Bath, England, is not just a city steeped in history and culture; it’s a living classroom that offers more than textbook learning. As you wander through its cobbled streets, you’re walking the same paths that notables like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens once explored.

These experiences turn lessons into vivid memories that last a lifetime. So, why should you choose Bath for your English studies with EducationFF? Let’s explore the reasons that make Bath an ideal destination for educational and personal growth.

Educational Richness in a Historic Setting

Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its stunning Georgian architecture and centuries-old history. Learning in such a historically rich environment provides a unique backdrop that enhances educational content, making your studies more engaging and interactive.

Imagine practising your language skills on the steps of the Roman Baths or in the very coffee houses that were once frequented by some of England’s most famous writers!

roman baths in Bath UK

Bath is a city full of rich, British history.

Tailored Educational Programmes

At EducationFF, our course in Bath are designed to maximise your learning potential. Each lesson is tailored to challenge and inspire, catering to a wide range of abilities and interests.

Whether you’re beginning your English language journey or looking to polish your fluency, our experienced instructors use innovative teaching methods that cater to individual learning styles, ensuring that all students can thrive.

A Peaceful Yet Stimulating Learning Environment

Unlike bustling cities like London, Bath offers a quieter, more relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to learning. With fewer distractions and less noise, you can focus on your studies and immerse yourself fully in your language learning journey.

Yet, the city is vibrant enough to ensure each day is filled with exciting new discoveries and learning opportunities, perfectly balancing tranquility with stimulation. Take a look for yourselves:

A Foundation for Future Success

Studying in Bath does more than just improve your English language skills; it lays the groundwork for future academic and professional success. The skills learned here—cultural awareness, independence, adaptability—are invaluable

Students leave the English trip in Bath not only with improved English abilities but also with a broader perspective and enhanced self-confidence, ready to take on new challenges.

In choosing EducationFF for your English studies, you’re not just signing up for a course; you’re embracing an experience that will enrich your education and your life.

The School Experience

At EducationFF, we believe that the environment in which you learn is just as important as what you learn. Our school experience is crafted to ensure that every student not only excels academically but also grows personally in a setting that is both supportive and challenging.

Here’s what you can expect from your educational journey with us in Bath.

Academic Excellence

Our curriculum is designed to engage and challenge students, encouraging them to push their boundaries and achieve new levels of proficiency in English. Our classes are small, ensuring personalised attention for each student.

The courses cover English grammar and vocabulary, all taught by seasoned educators with a passion for teaching and a deep understanding of the linguistic needs of young learners.

  • Expert Instructors: Our teachers are not only native speakers but also certified professionals with years of experience in teaching English as a foreign language. They are skilled in modern educational techniques and deeply committed to student success.
  • Interactive Learning: We use a mix of traditional classroom learning and interactive activities that support your learning. This includes project-based tasks, group discussions, and role-playing scenarios that mimic real-life situations.

Daily School Life

A typical day at EducationFF is a blend of structured learning and free exploration, allowing students to absorb new information in a dynamic way. Here’s what a normal day looks like:

  • Morning Sessions: Classes begin in the morning with a focus on core language skills. This part of the day is dedicated to intensive learning, using various multimedia tools and engaging teaching methods to enhance understanding and retention.
  • Afternoon Workshops: Afternoons are more relaxed and often involve workshops or guest lectures. These sessions are designed to apply language skills in practical settings, such as writing workshops, speech practices, or drama clubs.
  • Evening Activities: Evenings might include homework support sessions, film nights, or social gatherings. These are great opportunities for students to practice their English in an informal setting while bonding with classmates from around the world.
teen girl studying in the library

Our course is not just any old language course, it’s the key to language skills, friendships, and world experiences that last a lifetime!

The school, Bath Spa University, also boasts modern facilities that make learning enjoyable and effective. These include:

  • State-of-the-Art Classrooms: Equipped with the latest educational technology to aid in teaching.
  • Library Resources: Offering a wide range of materials in multiple languages to support students’ studies and encourage reading for pleasure.
  • Sports and Recreation Areas: Where students can relax and rejuvenate, playing sports or participating in fitness activities.

Studying on our English trip in Bath offers more than just language improvement; it provides a holistic educational environment that nurtures both the intellect and the spirit.

Here, students are not just learning English; they are preparing for a successful future while making memories that will last a lifetime.

Activities and Excursions in our Bath English Course

EducationFF’s programme in Bath extends far beyond the classroom walls, offering a wide range of activities and excursions that enrich the educational experience with real-world English practice and cultural immersion.

Whether it’s through sports, arts, or exploring the historical sites of England, our activities are designed to complement your studies and broaden your horizons.

Daily Activities

We believe in the importance of a well-rounded education, which includes physical well-being and creative expression. Our daily activities are crafted to keep you engaged, active, and always learning.

  • Sports and Fitness: Participate in various sports like football, swimming, or tennis. These activities not only help in staying fit but also promote teamwork and communication skills among students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Arts and Crafts: For those inclined towards creativity, our arts and crafts sessions provide a chance to express oneself and learn new skills. Whether it’s painting, photography, or drama, these activities foster an appreciation for art while enhancing English vocabulary and expression.
  • Local Community Engagement: We encourage students to interact with the local community through volunteer activities or small group tours. This not only helps in practicing English in real-life scenarios but also instills a sense of global citizenship and cultural sensitivity.
arts and crafts tools including pencils scissors rulers paint brushes

There are activities here for everyone!

Weekend Excursions

To make sure that students have a comprehensive learning experience, our programme includes guided excursions to some of the most iconic locations in and around Bath.

These trips are educational and allow students to apply their classroom learning in authentic contexts.

  • Full day trips include a trip to Bath to visit the Roman Baths, one to Bristol for a Street Art Walking Tour, and one to London for a Sightseeing Walking Tour.
  • A half day trip to Bath with entry into the Sports Centre.
birdseye view of London UK

London is an exciting excursion, with a walking tour of the capital city.

Each activity and excursion is designed to maximise your English language proficiency while providing fun and educational experiences. The goal is to ensure that while you are learning the language, you are also discovering new interests, making friends from around the world, and building memories that will last a lifetime.

At EducationFF in Bath, we make every day an adventure that contributes to both your academic and personal growth.

Meet EducationFF: Provider of Junior Language Programmes in the UK and Italy.

Are you looking for a study abroad in England trip provider that goes beyond language learning? At Education FF, we believe in cultivating core values that shape young individuals into global citizens.

Our centres in the United Kingdom, Malta, and Italy focus not just on language skills, but also on building integrity, trust, honesty, and respect in our students. We want to empower them to become well-rounded individuals who can make a positive impact on the world around them.

In transmitting these values, we think primarily of young people, pushing them towards continuous improvement that leads them to build healthy self-esteem. We have a decades-long track record of providing world-class study abroad in England programs with a very high student and parent satisfaction rate.

If you’re an agent looking for a reliable and competent partner with a top product, or you’re a teacher looking for a summer travel program for your students, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to tell you more.